Here at the Airport we hire only the best and brightest to run our operations. Like most companies the first step to working at the airport is with an application. From their the hiring / HR departments can weed out the hard workers from the pool of dead beats out there. After the cream of the crop in the applicant pool is selected they are screened in a primary interview to make sure they are who they say they are and understand the English language. If they survive that they move on to the secondary interview, which is about 2 weeks after they applied.
The decision is made after the second interview if said applicant is worthy of employment and the paper work truly begins. Forms upon forms are filled out, finger prints are taken, backgrounds are checked, and rechecked by various different law enforcement / governmental agencies. If everything checks out the applicant is given a badge that will allow them to work at the airport. At which point a month has gone by since the applicant was hired, or about 6-8 weeks after they applied.
With the badge the employee can now begin training, because they're not going to get trained if their background didn't pass clearance. The average new hire has to wait 2 months before actually working their first day on the job, which speaks of their patience and dedication. Companies spend at least $1,500 per new hire to get screened, badged, uniformed, and trained to work at the airport.
And this is the result of all that labor and toil.
After introductions and pleasantries are exchanged here is an actual conversation I had with a new hire:
New Hire- I need Saturdays and Sundays off.
Me- I don’t have a shift that has Saturday and Sunday off… but there are two schedules you can choose from. One with Monday/ Tuesday off or Tuesday / Wednesday off.
New Hire- So when can I start?
Me- Well you can’t… not if you need Saturday/ Sunday off.
New Hire- Oh I can work the shift with Monday/ Tuesday days off.
Me- Oh okay… Our work weeks start on Fridays. Can start Friday the 26th ?
New Hire- Oh can’t do that… how about Wednesday March 3rd?
Me- Sorry our work weeks start on Fridays. So you can start on March 5th
New Hire- It’s okay
Me- Alright then… see you on the Fifth (statement not a question.)
New Hire- Oh no I can be here on the 26th.
At that point I just stayed silent until she left.